Saturday, June 9, 2012

Kid's Catch and Release Fishing

September 27, 2009
This beautiful cutthroat trout was caught and released back into Fallen Leaf Lake.
So you may be wondering, what is Kid Fish Release? Well, in essence the blog will consist of a happy kid with a fish that he releases after the photo was taken. However, I do have some goals I hope this blog will help me accomplish. Here's the problem. Kids these days have problems pulling themselves away from high-priced electronics. They need to get outside, to live life with all the opportunities it has to offer. Without knowledge of how amazing nature can be, children miss out on the beauty of the world. Beauty makes life worth living, and breaks us out of the boring cycle of studying and homework. For me, fishing inspired me to leave the house and journey to faraway places that I never would have gone to before. In time, my passion for the sport spread throughout my entire family, causing us to travel far and wide in search of fish. The result was one of the happiest times I can remember having with my dad and mom. I hope that this blog inspires you or your child to travel down a similar path that shows you the amazing surprises the world has to offer.

You know what this blog is about, but to accomplish my goal I need support. All you have to do is to go fishing with your son or daughter, or mom or dad (if you're a kid) and catch a fish. Take a picture of the kid and his/her fish. Then release the fish back into the body of water you caught it from. Give me the picture at, and your done! You can help me make a difference in the world by enjoying yourself, and enjoying nature.

Me and my carp at Matadero Creek


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